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The legislative right of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Umm Al Quwain gives it the power to put in order the routines of the inhabitants and the Emirate by circulating different circulars and legislations. The bringing together and announcement of these circulars in Umm Al Quwain Official Gazette frequently is also handled by the Executive Council. As Communication Legal Translation Est. ranks as the superb legal translation organization in the UAE since its inauguration, it has reserved a continual subscription to Umm Al Quwain Official Gazette to stay well informed about the most recent circulars and legislations. Officially approved by the UAE Ministry of Justice, Communication Legal Translation Est. offers non-Arabic speakers and commercial organizations from the UAE legal circles the translation into English of Umm Al Quwain Circulars. Communication Legal Translation Est. confirms the accessibility of the original Arabic version and the English translation of Umm Al Quwain Circulars to our respectable clientele for online acquisition at amazingly reasonable prices. A link emailed to them following completion of compensation allows them to download our English Translations of Umm Al Quwain Circulars and the original Arabic copy of Umm Al Quwain Circulars with no trouble.

concerning the Resolution No.(1) on the Execution of Decree No.(2)
Issue No:1
Year of Issue: 2004
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