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By virtue of the legislative authority of the Government of the UAE, it gives power to its official authorities for the issuance of various federal resolutions by which the activities of its inhabitants and the government are organized. The Government collects these federal resolutions and gets them detailed in the UAE Federal Official Gazette. Communication Legal Translation Est. has a constant subscription to UAE Federal Official Gazette to remain up-to-date about the recent federal resolutions. Certified by the Ministry of Justice of the United Arab Emirates, Communication Legal Translation Est. is the front-running legal translation office that extends translation into English of UAE Federal Resolutions to non-Arabic speaking patrons and legal organizations of the UAE legal sector. We make certain that the original Arabic manuscript and the English translation of UAE Federal Resolutions stay readily provided to our patrons online for acquisition at remarkably inexpensive prices. Our English Translations of UAE Federal Resolutions and the original Arabic UAE Federal Resolutions can be expediently downloaded via a link emailed to you at the moment you complete the imbursement of payment online.

Amending the Authority\'s Board of Directors Decision No. (36 / R.M.) of 2019 concerning General Clearing Member Activity
Issue No:681
Year of Issue: 2020
Concerning the Emirates Telecommunication Group Company
Issue No:1991
Year of Issue: 1991
Banning the Import of the Seedlings and Trees of Citrus Trees from any Destination in which Witch\'s Broom Disease is Recorded.
Issue No:1991
Year of Issue: 1991
Concerning the Regulations of the Warehouses of the State Audit Institution
Issue No:1991
Year of Issue: 1991
Adopting Standards in the United Arab Emirates
Issue No:1990
Year of Issue: 1990
Approving the Rules for the Higher Financial Control in the State Audit Institution
Issue No:1988
Year of Issue: 1988
on the the State Audit Institution Regulations of Study-leave Missions for Getting Postgraduate Academic and/or Specialized Degrees or Vocational Degrees
Issue No:1987
Year of Issue: 1987
Unifying the Value of Blood Money for Involuntary manslaughter Before all Court in the State Emir
Issue No:1983
Year of Issue: 1983
Regulating the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council of the Federal Judiciary Resolution
Issue No:1983
Year of Issue: 1983
Concerning the Procedures of and Conditions for Advance Payment and Manners of Settlement thereof
Issue No:1983
Year of Issue: 1983
Concerning the Medical Care Standards Which the Employer Shall Provide to its Employees
Issue No:1982
Year of Issue: 1982
on the Financial Regulations of Secretariat General of Municipalities in the State
Issue No:1982
Year of Issue: 1982
Issuing the Regulations on Lending Conditions in Emirates Industrial Bank
Issue No:1982
Year of Issue: 1982
Organizing the Work Progress at the State Audit Institution
Issue No:1981
Year of Issue: 1981
Setting a Temporary Roll For Advocates Approved for Proceedings before the The Federal Supreme Court
Issue No:1980
Year of Issue: 1980
Issuing the the Bylaws of The Natural History Museum
Issue No:1979
Year of Issue: 1979
Issuing the Regulations on the Incorporation and Organization of the Gulf Research Center
Issue No:1979
Year of Issue: 1979
Establishing the Technical Offices Related to the Chancellor of the University
Issue No:1979
Year of Issue: 1979
Promulgating the Executive Regulations of Federal Law No. (4) of 1976, Concerning the Incorporation and Organization of the United Arab Emirates University
Issue No:1978
Year of Issue: 1978
Issuing the Regulations of Protocol Department Warehouses
Issue No:1978
Year of Issue: 1978
Regarding the Regulations of Library of the State Audit Institution
Issue No:1977
Year of Issue: 1977
Regarding the Employment Contracts of Non-nationals in the Police and Security Force of the Ministry of Interior
Issue No:1977
Year of Issue: 1977
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Total Records: 77
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